SEATRACES is an Interreg Atlantic Area Project aimed at demonstrating to stakeholders (production, industry, markets) and consumers that Labelling and Traceability are essential to protect and valorize Atlantic Area’s fisheries and aquaculture. SEATRACES will develop a set of tools for implementing traceability and Seafood Labeling using smart-phone and other innovative technologies, thus facilitating a Sustainable Seafood Production

What we do

The SEATRACES consortium is composed by experts in different areas, such as those related to fisheries sustainability and conservation, genetic authentication of marine organisms, consumer studies, certification of traceability, bivalve aquaculture as well as government agencies dealing with fisheries, and official control laboratories for foods, working together for developing new and standardised authentication techniques, implementing a European virtual facility for seafood authentication and demonstrating the benefits of seafood traceability and labelling.



SEATRACES: Smart Traceability and Labeling ToolBox for a Sustainable Seafood Production. SEATRACES is an Interreg Atlantic Area Project aimed at demonstrating to stakeholders (production, industry, markets) and consumers that labelling and traceability are essential to protect and valorize Atlantic Area’s fisheries and aquaculture. SEATRACES will develop a set of tools for implementing traceability and seafood labeling using smart-phone and other innovative technologies, thus facilitating a sustainable seafood production.
Seatraces3 months ago
🚨 We're delighted to share with you our latest scientific work "New Metagenomic Procedure for the Investigation of the Eukaryotes Present in the Digestive Gland of Mytillus galloprovincialis, just published in #AquacultureReports ScienceDirect

👩🏻‍🔬🧬This protocol simplifies future research to explore seasonal changes in the eukaryotic microbiome within the species' digestive gland in specific regions. Additionally, it facilitates the exploration of potential biomarkers to differentiate mussels from a specific area from those originating in other geographical locations.

Link: https://www.seatraces.eu/new-metagenomic-procedure-for-the-investigation-of-the-eukaryotes-present-in-the-digestive-gland-of-mytillus-galloprovincialis/

#science #marineresearchh #mussels #DNA #biomarkers #readnow
Seatraces3 months ago
🚨​ We're thrilled to announce the publication of our latest scientific article: Nanopore Sequencing Facilitates Screening of Diversity and Provenance of Seafood and Marine Wildlife #foodcontrol ScienceDirect

​🤿 ​Dive into the full article to explore the fascinating insights and implications of our findings!

#petershum #marinecusa #andhikaprasetyo #stefanomariani Liverpool John Moores University University of Salford Manchester UK

Link: https://www.seatraces.eu/nanopore-sequencing-facilitates-screening-of-diversity-and-provenance-of-seafood-and-marine-wildlife/
Seatraces7 months ago
We are very happy to inform you that we have now officially opened our online platform FISH-FIT for the scientific community: European official control laboratories and research institutes involved in fish and seafood authenticity.

We would like to invite you to register and take a look at this platform www.fish-fit.org
Seatraces1 Year ago
Do not miss it! 👌
Seatraces1 Year ago
En el marco de Seatraces, liderado desde Instituto de Investigacións Mariñas - CSIC, han desarrollado, desde AZTI y Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, un innovador chip genético para garantizar autenticidad del mejillón gallego.👇
Seatraces1 Year ago
🔬🧬 Un chip xenético garante a autenticidade do mexillón galego

Un consorcio europeo liderado por CSIC e integrado por 19 socios, co grupo #Acuigen do Campus Terra USC e AZTI entre eles, desenvolve a ferramenta no marco do proxecto Interreg Seatraces

🗞️ https://www.usc.gal/gl/xornal/novas/chip-xenetico-garante-autenticidade-mexillon-galego