Seafood products: from catch to plate – Seminar

10th November 2021


Station Marine de Concarneau
Place de la Croix
29900 Concarneau

Seafood traceability is part of the European program SEATRACES in which is involved the Marine Biology Station of Concarneau. This project aims to implement quick and efficient tools for the identification of species and the determination of the origin of seafood in Europe.

The studies performed in Concarneau about this topic deals mainly about flat oysters Ostrea edulis and pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea angulata as well as three crustacean species: the spiny spider crab (Maja brachydactyla), the edible crab (Cancer pagurus) and the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). This research work has been carried out by Françoise Denis, Solène Avignon and Gautier Lannelongue.

This seminar will involve stakeholders concerned by traceability who will present their work. A round table will be organized with professionals from the sea to discuss about the challenges and expectations of each concerning the seafood traceability.


Time Details
9:30 Welcome “Traceability of seafood: from catch to plate”
Françoise Denis
SEATRACES Partner, National museum of natural History, France
9:40 Traceability and geographic origin of three crustacean species and two oyster species
Solène Avignon and Gautier Lannelongue
SEATRACES Partner, National museum of natural History, France
10:00 Differentiation of wild and farmed sea cucumbers: the fear of the gendarme
Frank David
Holotrack Project, National museum of natural History, France
10:20 Traceability of catches on board vessels until sales. Example of lobster, Norway lobster, edible crab and red lobster
Morgane Ramonet
Departmental Committee for Marine Fisheries and Farming 29, France
10:40 Coffe time
11:00 Traceability in oyster farming
Yann Deydier
North Brittany Regional Shellfish Committee, France
11:20 SeaTraceNet – A Network of Experts in Seafood Traceability
Rogério Mendes
SEATRACES Partner, Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere, IPMA, Portugal
11:40 Overview of the main results and achievements of the SEATRACES project
Carmen Gonzàlez Sotelo
Coordinator of SEATRACES, Marine Research Institute CSIC, Spain
12:10 Lunch break
13:10 Traceability of seafood…: just before the plate
Julien Landuré
Joint Laboratory Service SCL, Marseille, France
13:30 The traceability of your imports/exports from customs view
Christelle Ferrari
DRDDI Brittany, Business Advisory Unit Brittany, France
13:50 Round table: What are the expectations of producers and consumers with regard to the traceability of seafood products?
16:00 Closure


Date: 10 November 2021, 09:30-16:00

Language: French

Cost: free

Venue: online event

Organizer: on behalf of the SEATRACES consortium, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France.

More information:
